Docker Swag Let's Encrypt renews Certificate on each Restart

I’ve been setting up Docker Swag.

It successfully set up a Let’s Encrypt certificate. All is fine. It works.

However, when checking out further options, the container is re-created & each time it successfully generates a new TLS certificate.

How can I tell it to not generate a new certificate, when the previous one is still pretty much valid for the entire default period?

Please post information about how you’ve deployed the container. docker-compose/host os etc.

Docker Compose. Using pretty much the most standard setup. Having Let’s Encrypt set up for a single sub-domain only, validation via http, etc. It’s pretty much like in the README.

Please just post the compose you used, there are reasons why we ask for this.
Also container start up logs please.

Looking at the logs closer again, I noticed, that Docker Compose was too lazy to get the newest image version up & running. After running a docker rm -f on the container in question, the newest version was pulled and now it actually checks, whether a valid certificate already exists, avoiding re-generation on every restart.