Piwigo container resetting volume permissions

can you share your compose or screenshots of how you deployed this container, you have a permissions issue. I would suggest comparing your settings against our readme: GitHub - linuxserver/docker-piwigo

Note, we do not support or endorse deploying our containers with portainer, it causes issues.

version: “2.1”
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/piwigo
container_name: piwigo
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000

your issue is with your volumes/mounts but you left that portion out…

back to life:
PUID/PGID changed to the owner of symlinks source:
`mount --bind ‘/volumeX/photo’ ‘/volumeX/docker/piwigo/gallery/galleries’

which is the same owner as for the volumes mapping in the container:
/volumeX/docker/piwigo/gallery: /gallery
/volumeX/docker/piwigo/config: /config
and same owner as for the ./galerry/galleries source for the sync … include all the symlinked subfolders
…folder names and files in the ./galleries contain just allowed structure (checked)

Sync again:
now I don’t have the Permissions error indicated on Sync screen


  • 0 albums added in the database
  • 0 photos added in the database
  • 0 albums deleted in the database
  • 0 photos deleted from the database
  • 0 photos updated in the database
  • 0 errors during synchronization

But I found the problem :wink:
Snapshot/Replica from my NAS, visible as #snaphot folder inside the symlink source (diff. ownership). When this feature was disabled, Sync was started.

Now just clean up some sync errors found during the sync (names)