Updateing Docker nextcloud not working

I have update my linuxserver/nextcloud:19.0.3-ls100 image (with mariadb image) like discribed
docker-compose stop
update the compose file to linuxserver/nextcloud:20.0.7-ls122
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
recreation of images seems to be done and the image started
docker inspect -f ‘{{ index .Config.Labels “build_version” }}’ nextcloud shows the right version but the WebFrontend shows still the 19.0.3 version and says that my version is outdated
What goes wrong??

Thanks a lot

I actually was in a similar situation. As far as I understand it, updating takes two things.
1/ Update the docker image - you already did that
2/ start a command shell in your nextcloud docker container and there start the command “updater.phar”. This guides you through the next steps of upgrading.

You may read here:
and choose the command line interface method.

It helped me to update nextcloud.
Perhaps you might remove the explicit version info in your docker-compose script, so it takes the latest image automatically. But nevertheless you have to do the second update step in case of major version changes.


thanks for giving me a helping hand
In my docker container is 19.0.3 version running and I want to update to 20.07 maybe (first step)
Found this description Here under “Update to a newer version”
If I run the commandline runner It gives me the possibility to jump to 19.0.13
Do I have to jump to this version an then to 20.07
In my docker-compose file I use this image: linuxserver/nextcloud:20.0.7-ls122
Maybe I have to drop the files outside the container
This are my volumes
- ./data/nextcloud/config:/config
- ./data/nextcloud/data:/data

any Idea??
Thanks a lot

Yes, nextcloud may have to do a series of jumps between versions. It’s all controlled by them.