Any self-host app management platform?

I’ve been wondering around on how to get a good admin experience such as the one you get with Yunohost, but based on containers.

What would such a system need to compete?

  1. Apps should get inverse proxy configuration working out of the box.
  2. Centralized auth. SSO if possible.
  3. Centralized monitoring.

Until now, I’ve just been able to see 3 viable alternatives:

  1. Portainer. Cool and packed with features. Hard to use. Only fills the gap on point 3.
  2. CapRover. Cool with not much features. Easy to use. Fills points 1 and 3 elegantly.
  3. Yacht. Cool with not too many features, but not too few. Easy to use. Fills point 3 only.

Is there any other alternative that works out of the box and is easy and full of features and all that stuff?

I can tell you we are not fans of portainer from a deployment perspective, though we find it OK for monitoring. Yacht is near and dear to us as the dev is a member of our discord and works closely with us. I’ve never personally heard of caprover.

We have an app that handles 1 and 2, so it’s unlikely we would go seek or recommend anything trying to “do it all” you can, of course, reverse proxy yacht and add in SSO/mfa via our SWAG container and authelia.

I will add, these kinds of questions are definitely better in a discussion format, such as our discord, in our #lounge or #linux-chat areas.

Which one?


Not to necro this thread (Sorry in advance if it’s against the rules but I didn’t see it in the community guidelines).

For Yacht, disable authentication and use SWAG with Authelia to enable SSO via your reverse proxy. It’s going to be hard for me to keep up with adding new authentication methods when Authelia already does such a great job of this and integrates nicely with SWAG.