Can't log in with users defined via USER_PASSWORD_FILE

Hi there,

I have a docker image based on

Here’s the script I use as my entrypoint:


# User configuration file (expected to be mounted as a Kubernetes Secret)

# Check if the user configuration file exists
if [[ -f "$USER_CONFIG_FILE" ]]; then
    echo "Processing user configuration from $USER_CONFIG_FILE..."

    while IFS=: read -r username password homedir; do
        [[ -z "$username" || "$username" =~ ^# ]] && continue
        if id "$username" &>/dev/null; then
            echo "User $username already exists, skipping creation..."
            echo "Creating user: $username with home directory: $homedir"
            useradd -m -d "$homedir" -s /bin/bash "$username"
            mkdir -p "$homedir/uploads"
            chown -R "$username:$username" "$homedir"

        echo "$username:$password" | chpasswd || echo "Failed to set password for $username"
    done < "$USER_CONFIG_FILE"
    echo "User configuration processed successfully."
    echo "Warning: User configuration file not found at $USER_CONFIG_FILE"

exec /init

My user config file looks like this:
user_one:password_one:/home/user_one user_two:password_two:/home/user_two

I can successfully log in as the first user in the USER_CONFIG_FILE, however when logging in as the second user, I get “Failed to set uids to 1001.” and the connection gets terminated. What could be the cause?