ClouDNS for DNS-01 Challenge


Is there a way to get ClouDNS [1] as DNS provider (DNS-01 Challenge) for SWAG? ClouDNS has an API [2] and there is already a solution for the [3][4] script.

I would be happy if I could use CloudDNS with SWAG.

Do you have any ideas how this could work?

  • Sorry, the links not working. But the board won’t let me post links as a noob.

Karl Karton

[1] hxtps://
[2] hxtps://
[3] hxtps://
[4] hxtps://

We use certbot, the official letsencrypt client. If there’s a certbot plugin for it, let us know.

Hi aptalca

Thanks for the quick reply.

Does this have to be an official plugin or meet other criteria? I just did a quick google and found the following:

No idea if this supports wildcard certificates or even works. As far as I know ClouDNS does support sub-accounts, so I could probably help with a test account or I could do some testing.


that would work. Please open a github issue for swag with this request so we can track it and ping you for testing when a PR is ready (we have no way of testing it)

1 Like

Wow, awesome. I will be happy to do that. Thank you.

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