Hello I have a question regarding docker compose for transmission, and jellyfin
Can I put whatever folders I want into the container volumes, and the folders will be created?
Example for transmission
- /mnt/config:/config
- /mnt/downloads:/mnt/downloads
- /mnt/movies:/mnt/movies
- /mnt/watch:/mnt/watch
And for jellyfin i want to use directly the root mnt instead of /mnt/xxx1 /mnt/xxx2 like this i can manage folders from jellyfin
- /mnt:/mnt
Sure, but one thing to keep in mind is that if a folder you select does not exist, docker will create it as owned by root. We fix the permissions on the config folder but not others. So I recommend precreating the folders with the correct user before doing docker compose up -d
Thanks for your help, how can I modify the download and incomplete folders? Since you don’t have to modify the json
On my bare metal installation I have the umask “2” do I put the same in the docker compose or do I have to recalculate it differently?
I tried to let dockermake the folders and it creates them well with my user:groups indicated in PUID and GUID, or maybe I misunderstood your explanation