Error when DOCKER MOD is added

Below is the compose file for my Duplicati. I start to receive lot of error the moment I enable environment variable for Docker mod to include Docker in Docker (universal-docker-in-docker).

container_name: duplicati
- DOCKER_MODS=linuxserver/mods:universal-docker-in-docker
- PUID=0
- PGID=0
- TZ=Etc/UTC
#- CLI_ARGS= #optional
privileged: true
- /home/sparky/SparkyApps/duplicati/config:/config
- /mnt/crucial/duplicati_tmp/tmp:/tmp
- /mnt/crucial/backups:/backups
- /mnt/:/source
- /home/sparky/SparkyApps/:/SparkyApps
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Add this line to mount Docker socket

  - 8200:8200
restart: unless-stopped


I also noticied this error is happening when I add the below line to mount /tmp volume. Because boot disk just 240GB SSD. While backuping up 300GB of my files, Duplicati throws error that tmp directory is full. So I added below code to resolve that error. But it looks like DOCKER MOD doesn’t like this customization for some reason.

  • /mnt/crucial/duplicati_tmp/tmp:/tmp
  1. don’t paste text as an image, it looks like shit, paste text as text.
  2. pick one place to seek support, discord or discourse, not both.

It didn’t allow me to paste it as text stating new users can’t post more than two link. If the image is open-ended in new browser tab, it renders fine. But I will avoid posting image in future and post only in one place. I wasn’t sure where I will get answer. So gave it a try in both Discord & here.

Someone replied in the discord as “Don’t mount docker socket for docker in docker”. Error is gone after I removed the tmp and docker volume mapping.

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