How to add compiler for C#/C++ in container (code-server)

Hi there,

this is more of a “how is this usually done” question.
I want to enable ppl on code-server (on unraid) to code and test/compile C#/C++.

From what I know, the VS extensions cannot install a compiler. I can shell into the container and install it - but it would be gone with each container update.

I have some idea (like adding custom code to the docker command, either the install command itself or run a little script from the config storage) but I’d like to ask what would be recommended ways of doing this?

I am not trying to maintain my own docker image… yet. Although this might make a good and easy example.

Not sure how to interpret this. I checked for a fitting docker mod, and while there are code-server specific ones for many languages, I didn’t see C amongst them.

Going over the universal ones again I guess using GitHub - linuxserver/docker-mods at universal-package-install instead of my “selfmade” script would be more “formal”.

Or are you suggesting creating my own docker-mod? Because that I think is beyond my capabilities…

The universal install mod is what we recommend in your instance, if the dotnet one doesnt come with the compiler you want

Thank you!
I’ll check the DotNet one, I couldn’t see the connection.

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