I cannot seem to be able to connect a Sonarr LSIO container to a Rutorrent LSIO container.
I have switched rtorrent/rutorrent from the socket file to the classic localhost:5000 configuration, and have created a bridged network in my docker-compose:
in sonarr, when you add rutorrent and it asks for the host, type rutorrent
not sure why you’re messing with sockets and localhost… this is pretty simple in docker networking
the issue is that, by default, the docker rutorrent container as packaged by LSIO is configured to exploit a socket file, not the localhost:5000 xmlrpc host/port.
so you cannot just tinker with sonarr without changing the config of both rtorrent/rutorrent first.
then, after having changed the port, I cannot get it to work.
I have networking enabled in my docker-compose application.
(I thought that it was supposed to be working by default, that is, there should be a default network created automatically by docker-compose through which all sub-containers can talk, but I’m not sure it was working without my explicit virtuallan anyhow.)
I specify the name of my container as host, thus rutorrent, I have tried specifying both port 80 (which is the webui for rutorrent) and 5000 (which is the XMLRPC port for rtorrent) and nothing happens.
I have left RPC2 as URL path, but maybe I should change that?
yeah, it’s supposed to be smooth, but, well, it’s not.
i dont know what to tell you aside from if this is hard, you’re doing it wrong.
maybe you should visit us on discord. I have used rutorrent and sonarr without ANY of what you described so i know, for a fact, it works just as i stated
you need to set the port to 80 since that is what is used in the container (as shown on github/dockerhub readme), If you change the port (inside the container) you would put that port.
I think you’re just thinking too much on this, our containers are built to be used by people who have no clue what linux is, so they are very plug and play.
I thought I was supposed to be teaching Sonarr to talk to rtorrent (not rutorrent) through its XMLRPC capabilities, thus as I was saying using either the socket file (which is the default config, also, I can’t export it as a volume -> How to export rtorrent socket from container) or as a classic localhost:5000 host/port combo.
instead, your default vanilla configuration is teaching Sonarr to talk to rutorrent through the same localhost:80 host/port combo that the user would type in to get to the WebUI!
in any case, I still cannot get it to work so I guess my docker-compose is wrong.
does my network configuration seem reasonable to you?
I’ve recreated from scratch the rutorrent container and it worked.
therefore, for others getting here:
fresh rtorrent/rutorrent container:
don’t change the socket/scgi configs;
fresh sonarr container, default values:
host: rutorrent
port: 80
path: RPC2
I think the documentation regarding how to link the two containers should be elaborated a bit better, because I was confused by the way in which I know rutorrent talks to rtorrent.
hopefully you don’t take offense, but as you’re the only person I’ve ever seen with an issue here, i imagine our docs are good to go. That said, if you would like to submit a PR adjusting the documentation, readme-vars.yml is where you would do so.
a simple web search for “docker sonarr rutorrent” would show that plenty of people have issues, including while using LSIO images.
maybe the crucial word in your sentence is the word here?
indeed, this forum seems deserted and lots of people ask for help elsewhere, like reddit, sonarr forums, etc.
I’m still learning but still, the documentation is supposed to be helping noobs more than power users, isn’t it?
anyway, if and when someone wants to, that area could be improved.