How to restart sshd in openssh container?


lets say I have openssh container running in kubernetes and I would like to ssh to it creating port forwarding from container to host. I got error Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 4341. I found out here that I need to change some config, but I don’t see a way to restart sshd daemon, I tried to run /etc/init.d/sshd restart, but I got error that open-rc is unknown runner. I also tried to rewrite #!/bin/sh but it did not work and last thing I tried was reboot which result in rewriting configuration back to original.

Any help?
Thank you

Which config did you modify ?
Did you change the config on the config file on the host ?
(the path /path/to/appdata/config you specify on the volumes section)

restart the container, note also that we do not test or support kubernetes.