How to use Heimdall

I’m trying to setup Heimdall to allow some “enhanced” apps like Sonarr and Rutorrent.
I cannot get it to work.

I have setup a docker-compose stack with letsencrypt and heimdall, sonarr and rutorrent.
I have renamed the three reverse-proxy config files by dropping the “.sample” from the filename, and I have commented out the “location /” block from the default nginx as specified by the comment in the Heimdall file.
I have setup the two services and indeed, I get the Heimdall page and the two application blocks which redirect me correctly to either Sonarr or Rutorrent.

I cannot get the “enhanced” part of the apps to work:

  • on Rutorrent, when I click on Test I get the following error: There is an issue connecting to "https://localhost/rutorrent/RPC2". Please respect URL format "http(s)://IP:PORT".
  • on Sonarr, when I click on Test I get nothing.

how am I supposed to be using these?
any help is appreciated.

what address did you put in? localhost?

yes, I am browsing locally and that’s how, for example, Sonarr is talking to Rutorrent.

localhost refers to localhost inside the container. You need to use the host lan ip for local access, or domain url if reverse proxied

hm, I thought the letsencrypt container was making sure that all the locations were being translated as needed.

I’ll try leaving the subfolder links in the main application block, and put the local hostnames in the configuration secondary url, like so:

and see what happens. thanks!

okay, I was able to test it with the following configurations (with subfolders rather than subdomains).

general url = sonarr/
config url = http://sonarr:8989/

general url = rutorrent/
config url = http://rutorrent:80/

general url = qbittorrent/
config url = http://qbittorrent:8080/

qbittorrent said 200Something went wrong... Code: 403 (maybe a bug?) and did not store the configuration, but the app still behaved like it was “enhanced”.

thanks for the help, @aptalca! :+1:

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