I’m trying to setup Heimdall to allow some “enhanced” apps like Sonarr and Rutorrent.
I cannot get it to work.
I have setup a docker-compose stack with letsencrypt and heimdall, sonarr and rutorrent.
I have renamed the three reverse-proxy config files by dropping the “.sample” from the filename, and I have commented out the “location /” block from the default nginx as specified by the comment in the Heimdall file.
I have setup the two services and indeed, I get the Heimdall page and the two application blocks which redirect me correctly to either Sonarr or Rutorrent.
I cannot get the “enhanced” part of the apps to work:
on Rutorrent, when I click on Test I get the following error: There is an issue connecting to "https://localhost/rutorrent/RPC2". Please respect URL format "http(s)://IP:PORT".
on Sonarr, when I click on Test I get nothing.
how am I supposed to be using these?
any help is appreciated.
okay, I was able to test it with the following configurations (with subfolders rather than subdomains).
general url = sonarr/
config url = http://sonarr:8989/
general url = rutorrent/
config url = http://rutorrent:80/
general url = qbittorrent/
config url = http://qbittorrent:8080/
qbittorrent said 200Something went wrong... Code: 403 (maybe a bug?) and did not store the configuration, but the app still behaved like it was “enhanced”.