I get error msg related to MaxMind from container log

First of all, I am really thank you guys for making this program.
I have some little problem using the swag docker image.
One day I checked out the log of the container of swag.
and I saw the msgs like this

"No MaxMind license key found; exiting. Please enter your license key into /etc/libmaxminddb.cron.conf
run-parts: /etc/periodic/weekly/libmaxminddb: exit status 1

and this is the log of the container


thankfully, I can renew the certificate as you can see the picture

so… sorry to bother you but I would like to ask you several questions…
what problem cause this error msgs…?
and is this big problem while using swag image…?
or can I solve this problem with redeploying container after removing old one?

thank your for your reply in advance.

do you know what the MaxMind DB is? what are you trying to accomplish?

further reading: