InfluxDB / Grafana or complete TIG Stack

First of all I wanted to thank the team for the amazing containers. I am using them a lot on my new server setups via Ansible. Your containers are easy to use and well maintained - often better than the original. But I miss a container of software that I quite often use and think others will use to:

InfluxDB and Grafana
These two are the core of the so called TIG stack or Telegraf+InfluxDB+Grafana. It provides a full system monitoring solution. Also it has some of the best dashboards I have seen. Just google them - they are amazing.

In my opinion it belongs in every good (home)serverinstall.
As I am quite familiar with the software and interaction I am available to help getting the install under way should you consider implementing such a container.

For full disclosure there is also Prometheus as a monitoring and Dashbord solution. I am not as familiar with the internals but it is also well established.

Thank you in advance

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Influxdb telegraf and grafana have official docker images by the original team on dockerhub. Thus the images can be assumed to be well maintained.

I agree having the config management would be nice but for me this has low priority since the above mentioned images can be assumed to be good.

Thank you.
Since it is a bit more cumbersome to configure compared to the images I would stil prefere such an image.

As you might be aware nextcloud, homeassistant, sycnthing and many more have official docker images. These usually take a bit longer to configure and we miss out on similar base images.
Thus I stll think having Grafana and InfluxDB containers on would make a lot of sense.

I am willing to help out - if you could point me in the right direction…

this will be very nice
is there some place where I could vote for new image?

I would also be happy to have such kind of container. Up to now I’m using dockprom, but a well documented and maintained version from would be a glance.

Additional I can acknowledge to @crossblade’s post: Thank you for the amazing containers!

in the meantime I wrote a comment here how I managed to get it to work