I’ve had too many issues with the traditional install of Jackett so I want to try out the docker container. I used the config file verbatim…
image: linuxserver/jackett
container_name: jackett
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Europe/London
- RUN_OPTS=run options here #optional
- path to data:/config
- path to blackhole:/downloads
- 9117:9117
restart: unless-stopped
When I run docker-compose…
docker-compose pull jackett
I get an error about ```
- path to data:/config
not having a config file present. Am I missing something? Am I supposed to put a config somewhere? Is there a command I'm supposed to run after I add the stuff to my docker-compose .yaml? I'm sorry that this is such a noob post. I'm just not that familiar with docker.. I do have other stuff running in it though. Ombi, portainer, etc. Thanks for your time.