Kodi Headless unable to scan libraries


I’m currently trying to replace parts of my raspberry-Pi functionality with docker containers.
One part is Kodi.

I’ve got a MariaDB running on my QNAP NAS.
All my Raspi is doing is to scan my quite comprehensive library (sending an http request to do so).

Because I want to upgrade to Kodi 18 (Leia) I can’t use my Raspi anymore, because I couldn’t find a way to install Kodi 18 there.
Therefore I was looking for a Docker-Container, preferably by you, and found your Leia branch.

Installed, configured, starting just fine. Copied all userdata-files from my raspi to the dockercontainer. (advancedsettings.xml, guisettings.xml, passwords,xml, profiles.xml, RssFeeds.xml, sources.xml)

At first start my library was migrated just fine (got 4 DBs now, two by Kodi 17, two by Kodi 18)
The docker container is receiving my “scan http request” and according to the popup it’s starting to scan my library and also finishes. But when the scan process is done, new files can’t be found in the library. It seems like it’s unable to find them.

Do you have any idea why?

Thank you already!

PS: I’m sorry about any typing or grammar mistakes. English isn’t my native language :slight_smile:

Maybe in addition: everything is stored to my NAS. My library, DB and docker container is on it. Within my source file I’m trying to access these shares using the IP-shares (

The kodi-headless container isn’t designed to do initial library scans (at least the last time I used it) it’s to update existing libraries.

For your raspberry-pi, look at libreelec, they have leia builds.

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But that’s what I’m trying to accomplish. I want to update my existing library.

The thing about my raspi is, that I’m running raspbian on it and got an openvpn accesspoint installed in parallel to Kodi. I’m not sure if I can accomplish this with libreelec.

j0nnymoe is right, you shouldn’t rely on the headless instance to do a full scan.
All my library updates are done on my media player device, in my instance it’s the Nvidia Shield.
If I do a full scan I do it from there.
Cleanup as well.
When the db was migrated it was also the Shield that performed this function.

The headless instance does updates based on my sonarr and radarr pulls only, as the shield is not on all the time like my headless docker.

I would recommend installing Leia on your PC and setting up sources and advancedsettings xml files there.
Remove your new DBs from Maria, and allow the software to migrate the database.
Then running a full scan from there as well.

Just want to let you know that you should always backup yout MariaDb, I have had several database corruptions over the last few years.

You can find the script to do that here…

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Thanks for your suggestion.
I think I went even one step further: I’ve removed als DBs and started all over.
I’ve installed Kodi 18 on my Windows PC. Added the SMB source (including username/password), added my two libraries and did a full scan of both.
Afterwards I’ve enabled webcontrol and added all files from my userdata folder to the userdata folder of kodi headless.

The DB was loaded successfully again. Downloaded two files through nzbget and started the video library scan. But again, it can’t find a new file. I really don’t know why :frowning:

Are you using apps like Sonarr or Radarr to sort your libraries.
Not sure how Nzbget triggers or if it even can trigger an update.

But in Sonarr and Radarr you have the option.

Looks like you have to create your own post processing scripts for NZBGet.

I would move to having Sonarr manage your TV, and Radarr manage your Movies.

Thanks for your suggestion. Yes I know and I’ve created a post processing script. But when I run the library scan it’s completed after one second. So it doesn’t look like it’s actually trying to scan things.

Are Sonarr and Radarr actually also able to manage libraries without downloading stuff?

I’d really prefer to get this working using nzbget and Kodi headless in my NAS :frowning:
Worst case I might try to get my raspi somehow to Kodi 18

Yeah you can have them manage libraries without downloading any content.
They can also download metadata for KODI and they will clean your library up.
Unfortunately because you are doing everything manually, all your updates will have to be manual via those applications as well.

I’m thinking that possibly your database connection information in the advancedsettings.xml may be wrong and that is why your library is not updating.


Just fyi, I gave up on the docker container. Installed libreelec to my raspi and it was surprisingly easy to get openvpn and an accesspoint running.
I’ve also tested Radarr, but the thing about this is, that I would need an indexer. These are very rare for German content, so I didn’t bother about using this. I like the “nonautomated” way :slight_smile:


You don’t need an indexer to sort your content in radarr, indexers are for downloading.

An alternative is the Tiny Media Manager docker.