Librespeed on Qnap - 400 Bad Request

I’m trying to deploy librespeed on my Qnap’s container station.
The result is: HTML Error 400 - Bad Request

Container Details:


[migrations] started
[migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: skipped
[migrations] 02-default-location: skipped
[migrations] done
usermod: no changes

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User UID: 1000
User GID: 100
─────────────────────────────────────── version: 5.4.1-ls217
Build-date: 2024-12-15T10:26:15+00:00

using keys found in /config/keys
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/site-confs’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf.sample’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/nginx.conf.sample’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/ssl.conf.sample’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/nginx.conf’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/ssl.conf’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/dhparams.pem’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/resolver.conf’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/config/nginx/worker_processes.conf’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/logrotate.d/acpid’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/logrotate.d/nginx’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/logrotate.d/php-fpm’: Bad address
chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/logrotate.d/php-fpm83’: Bad address
[custom-init] No custom files found, skipping…
[] done.
crond[225]: crond (busybox 1.36.1) started, log level 5
[16-Dec-2024 18:40:54] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 224
[16-Dec-2024 18:40:54] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[16-Dec-2024 18:41:19] NOTICE: Terminating …
[16-Dec-2024 18:41:19] NOTICE: exiting, bye-bye!

I tryed with different users (PGID/PUID), shares, gave RW permissions to all…

What can I do more?

There is no any open channel in your discord server wher can I chat.


there is, we just filter out people who can’t figure it out.

As a note, we do not support or recommend deploying containers with the qnap docker ui as it causes problems. Our supported methods are listed in the container readme, but for ease, they are docker compose (yaml file and docker compose) or docker run from the cli.

i can only assume there is some issue with where you’ve mapped /config to

Thank you for quick response.
Unfortunately I’m not familiar with linux, but I’ll try to figure out…

Even though I configured /config to the librespeed directory, it still wants to work elsewhere…

What address are you going to?
The bad address error is qnap specific which we haven’t got to the bottom of yet.

There are no /etc/logrotate.d/ and /config/nginx/ directories, I don’t understand why it wants to work in these directories. I’ve set the /config space to /appdata/librespeed shared folder with the right permissions.

mostly you just need to copy from our readme, tweak it to your PUID/PGID and paths, then paste into ssh on your qnap.

as j0nny asked, what precise URL are you visiting to reach librespeed

Ahh, I see, I came from here (linked in container staion’s docker):

no we are asking what url you input in your browser to reach YOUR librespeed container’s page

gonna be something like http://<your docker host ip>:<some port>

Not that isn’t what I mean. I mean, what URL are you using in the browser to access librespeed? (The last that gives you the error)

Change it to https

Same result

I don’t think we have a port 443 on that container, it should be mapped to port 80

Could be wrong though, I didn’t check the base image

Infact, re read our documentation, you’ve mapped the wrong port. The container doesn’t have anyone on port 443, you should be bridging to port 80.

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Its “404 Not Found” now. :-/

To be frank, the image you’re screenshoting doesn’t help, we need to see ENV’s / volume paths you’ve mapped.

Have you setup some macvlan or something? your ui (which we dont support because it breaks things) shows an ip of but you stated earlier you tried to use (which is an invalid ip address)

what IP do you visit to reach the qnap itself?