Multiple Plex Instances on one host

Crazy idea, crazy outcomes. I’d like to host more than one Plex instance on a single host. This would allow me to have users with their own Plex paid account and bypasses all the inherent problems of having Plex home users and a pile of security issues. I can successfully get a single instance working fully and even use nvidia runtime. I cannot get the second instance to work fully. The problems appear to be network in nature.

Naturally, I cannot get it to work well inside my home. Likely reason? Network issues. In order to get the second instance to work properly inside the home network, you have to add a MacVLAN in order for Plex to be able to announce an IP that the local network may work.

This works okay, except that I’d like Plex to be available outside of the house. Now we are talking Swag. Create a new Plex subdomain in Swag and point it to the name of the second Plex instance works just fine. I can access the second Plex instance outside of the house now.

Enter the extremely odd problem with IPTV-Proxy. For some odd reason, the second instance of Plex always has a network issue in the IPTV-proxy handoff. I am personally using a project call Threadfin in place of Xteve and don’t use cache, just pass the IPTV-Proxy address off to Plex. If only one single Plex instance is active, it can pull in the IPTV-Proxy feed, setup nvidia transcoding in ramdisk, and feed the video through Swag to an external player. The minute you spin that second instance up…network issues.

Has anyone else tried to host more than one instance of Plex on the same host? If you did, did you also attempt to use IPTV-Proxy? Do you have tips on the network configuration?

We do not support iptv solutions and we disallow such discussion on our forum and discord.

With that said, you can run multiple plex instances. I would recommend using user defined bridge networking so you can map different host ports for direct access. With SWAG, you can publish them at different subdomains. Plex lets you set the Custom server access URLs so the clients will know at which address and port each server is accessible at.