Nextcloud 27.0 OCC and Integrity Check of Core files

Where are these files located on my Synology NAS so that I can delete them from terminal? Is there a command that I can run to delete all of these at once, since all of these “extra files” appear to be orphaned?

- core
		- lib/public/AppFramework/Db/Mapper.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Exceptions/DashboardAppNotAvailableException.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/IDashboardManager.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/IDashboardWidget.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Service/IEventsService.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Service/IWidgetsService.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Model/IWidgetConfig.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Model/IWidgetRequest.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetTemplate.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetting.php
		- lib/public/Dashboard/Model/WidgetSetup.php
		- lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IEntityCompat.php
		- lib/public/WorkflowEngine/IOperationCompat.php
		- lib/public/BackgroundJob.php
		- lib/public/App.php
		- lib/private/Share/SearchResultSorter.php
		- lib/private/Dashboard/DashboardManager.php
		- lib/private/Repair/Owncloud/InstallCoreBundle.php
		- lib/private/Authentication/Token/DefaultTokenMapper.php
		- lib/private/Authentication/Token/DefaultTokenProvider.php
		- lib/private/Authentication/Token/DefaultToken.php
		- lib/private/Authentication/Token/DefaultTokenCleanupJob.php
		- lib/private/legacy/OC_DB_StatementWrapper.php
		- lib/private/legacy/OC_DB.php
		- lib/private/App/AppStore/Bundles/CoreBundle.php
		- lib/private/Updater/ChangesResult.php
		- lib/private/Template/IconsCacher.php
		- lib/private/Template/SCSSCacher.php
		- lib/private/BackgroundJob/Legacy/RegularJob.php
		- lib/private/BackgroundJob/Legacy/QueuedJob.php
		- lib/private/Http/Client/LocalAddressChecker.php
		- lib/private/Files/ObjectStore/NoopScanner.php
		- core/js/tests/specs/appsSpec.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/files_iedavclient.js
		- core/js/dist/login.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/install.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/systemtags.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/files_fileinfo.js
		- core/js/dist/maintenance.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/profile.js
		- core/js/dist/recommendedapps.js
		- core/js/dist/unified-search.js
		- core/js/dist/main.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/files_client.js
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/js/dist/
		- core/Controller/SvgController.php
		- core/img/background.png
		- core/img/background.svg
		- core/Command/App/CheckCode.php
		- core/css/css-variables.scss
		- core/css/ie.scss
		- core/css/lostpassword/resetpassword.css
		- core/doc/admin/_images/smtp-config-smtp.png

Per this thread, the last user that posted had a similar issue but never started a new thread. Working my way through that thread, I tried running the following commands:

sudo docker exec -it nextcloud touch /config/www/nextcloud/config/needs_migration
sudo docker restart nextcloud
sudo docker exec -it nextcloud occ integrity:check-core
sudo docker exec -it nextcloud occ files:scan --all

The link to rescan kept taking me to a " Sorry, the page you are looking for is not found." page, so I used the last two commands above as a substitute. Is that a correct substitute?

I’m hopping on the bandwagon with a similar error. Not sure how to delete extra files from core with the new setup.

I can only suggest reading through this [BUG] issue with update 27 · Issue #324 · linuxserver/docker-nextcloud (
The common theme in that issue is most, if not all, of them are unraid users that did not properly maintain their systems. The fixes should work for non-unraid users as well, but likely not for portainer/synology ui users who are completely unsupported by us.