I installed nextcloud like this
image: linuxserver/nextcloud
container_name: nextcloud
hostname: nextcloud
restart: unless-stopped
- PUID=1001
- PGID=1001
- TZ=Europe/Nicosia
- 8443:443
- nextcloud:/config
- /mnt/data:/data
the nextcloud container already created a few files in /data

and it has access to write to the /data directory
and on the web interface nextcloud can see /data and provide usage information
but the web interface is empty. nextcloud can’t see my files
how can I fix this?
You need to tell nextcloud to scan the folder with the occ command. By default (and design) you’re supposed to add files via the webui or their sync client.
You can change this but you will need to check the nextcloud documentation for which bits in the config.php to change.
I tried the occ command, but it only finds the default files nextcloud comes with
at least I think these are the files found by the occ command
its like /data is ignored.
Upload a file via the webui and test where it drops it to?
I uploaded 6.png. When I search for it I can see that it placed it in these folders.
So I guess it puts uploaded files in /data/admin/files/
But I need it to scan /data, so it can see my files.
It sounds like you’re using the wrong tool for the job. You can’t just bend nextcloud to work how you expect.
You could use a different folder for the data mount then use the external storage app to mount that data folder.
yes, the external storage app worked just fine