One of my homeassistant containers started to display an error with a custom integration because of a requirement not found. That integration recently bump a requirement for a python package and seems not be be able to install it any more.
I looked at the logs and when it tries to install the library/package, it cannot do so because it cannot write on /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages. When I look at the ownership for that folder, the UID is 1001 and the GUID is 127.
Problem is that this is not the UID I passed to the container: I passed 1026, and that is indeed the UID of the abc user in the container. Now when I change the ownership of everything with a GID of 127 to 1026, it starts to work as intended.
I did not create an issue on github because I have no idea whether that’s a container problem or a me problem. I wonder if anyone has a similar issue, and if yes, is there something to change in the container build?
The following, as root, remediates the problem for me and I will set it up a custom init script as a workaround for the time being:
find /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ -group 127 -exec chown abc '{}' \;
BTW: I chose an unrelated tag because discourse forced me to do so, and homeassistant was not in the list.