Qbittorrent - all downloads stalled/erroed

As the title says. Permissions are correct, build seems fine, qbit has internet access via VPN tunnel, logs are clear. All downloads are still stalling then erroring immediately.

Forgot to mention this is being run in Unraid 7.0. I have used the LSIO Firefox on this network and have had no issues.

Does it work when not using the VPN?

It has in the past. I will test with a network change.

I tried it as ‘Bridge’ and ‘Host’ and I’m having the same issue. Other containers have been working over the VPN tunnel fine. Some of the torrents show they even connect to seeds/peers while stalled, then they drop off when it switches to ‘Errored’

show your compose or docker run that you used when testing without the vpn, there is no need to test using host network_mode as we dont support that.
Provide updated logs for the new run/compose without vpn.
paste text as text or all in a single pastebin link

Wounded up being a xfs issue. Though Unraid showed multiple TB free it would not allow me to create a folder. Freed up space in the mean time, gotta figure out why it did that to begin with. Thanks for all the help!