I would like to request a Docspell LinuxServerIO container.
Simple document organizer
Docspell assists in organizing your piles of digital documents, resulting from scanners, e-mails and other sources with minimal effort.
I find Docspell to be more powerful and easier to use than paperless-ngx (which already has a LinuxServerIO container).
I tried to setup Docspell myself on Unraid following this loose guide but was not succesfull.
I think you need a postgres
, solr
, docspell/joex
, docspell/restserver
and a docspell/dsc
container all working together.
That’s why I’d love to use an all-in-one container made by LinuxServerIO.
Like e.g. the paperless-ngx container from the Unraid community apps, where I find the LinuxServerIO version much easier to use than the official container.