I created a repository which wraps the mtv_dl python package in a linuxserver style repo. It is a tool to download tv shows from german public broadcasting services.
Hi! Great work and we’re happy you were able to make something you like and find useful by starting with our base images! I hope you continue to make things and have fun!
A general note, we do not tend to accept container contributions from non-members. It’s too much effort to support in general.
In addition to the above an application that directly downloads things is not something that really fits into what we or our sponsors would be comfortable with.
A general note, we do not tend to accept container contributions from non-members. It’s too much effort to support in general.
Does it make sense to get a member? Is there any other way I can support the project?
In addition to the above an application that directly downloads things is not something that really fits into what we or our sponsors would be comfortable with.
Do not worry this is perfectly legal.
At the end it turns out that I do not need this image at all because the linuxserver project is so advanced that you can get this working by using the baseimage in combination with those two docker mods: