[Request] OpenAudible Container

OpenAudible is a program to manage an sync your Audible library, and remove Amazon’s DRM. In fact, they already have a docker container that I just tried to setup. It appears that someone made this docker file, uploaded it, and completely forgot about it. The OpenAudible version included is several versions behind, and there is no information about the directory structure. A LinuxServer container of this software would be awesome!

Annoyed me that the official image used the fullblown webtop, so I made an image using baseimage-rdesktop-web instead.

I included a script in /etc/cont-init.d/ that pulls and installs the latest version of OpenAudible if it doesn’t exist in the container.
This way the image doesn’t have to be updated for newer versions of OpenAudible, it’s enough to delete and remake the container.

Uploaded the image to Docker Hub, it sadly only supports amd64 arch, as I’ve yet to figure how to build multi-arch.

If you want to build yourself, check out my GitHub


version: "3.8"
    container_name: openaudible
    image: lanjelin/openaudible:latest
      - "3000:3000"
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - ./config/openaudible:/config

To build arm containers just use qemu static:

Specifically docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

Then you can build the container by specifiying the dockerfile -f Dockerfile.aarch64

In general you are best off to do the installation via the Dockerfile and tag versions.

My approach would be to tackle modifying the upstream logic to use the openbox base image and lean it down a bit GitHub - openaudible/openaudible_docker: Run OpenAudible from a container and use it with a web browser, they are willing to maintain it and use our base images, just a different approach with the full webtop like this. Needs to likely be re-orged to support in place upgrades with storage path symlinks unless it is already all in /config.

For a starting point GitHub - linuxserver/docker-doublecommander is a good reference.