SickChill docker pull not pulling latest release

Running Docker on Synology DS718
Went to update the image and see:

root@DS718:~# docker pull linuxserver/sickchill
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from linuxserver/sickchill
Digest: sha256:ecaa1ceb3d2f6d4778309176516670f4dfe09dd63a99410ea6c343653b15eeb4
Status: Image is up to date for linuxserver/sickchill:latest

But when I start Sickchill, it shows me as being on the previous version and being 12 commits behind.

Examining the linuxserver sickchill tags page it seems that both latest and the most recent should be pointing to the just upgraded version.

So what is happening here?


Did you recreate your container? Pulling the image only updates the image, not the container. There are instructions in our readmes


I went through the process as outlined in the readme using the docker create method.
I then ran SickChill and saw that message about being behind.
So I went back to do another git pull and noted that the messages indicating I already had the latest image.

Unknown current version number: If you've never used the SickChill upgrade system before then current version is not set.

It looks like you used the in gui upgrade before, which we don’t recommend.

We don’t git clone in the image/container, so the app won’t know what commit it’s on. That’s normal.

That’s not the message I’ve been seeing. The message I see is:


and the info page shows:

Branch: master 
Commit: 9aa8ab5cbd57972ceeacc3411a8c04fa17597f88 

where that commit is the previous commit (pulled and installed the same way as above).

Like I said, that’s because you already used the in gui updater. You should be seeing the message I posted in a fresh instance.

In other words:

  1. Don’t use the in gui updater, you’ll break things
  2. You’re not supposed to see a version in the gui

Just on the off chance that I might have missed something, I removed and reinstalled the container again:

root@DS718:~# docker pull linuxserver/sickchill
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from linuxserver/sickchill
Digest: sha256:ecaa1ceb3d2f6d4778309176516670f4dfe09dd63a99410ea6c343653b15eeb4
Status: Image is up to date for linuxserver/sickchill:latest
root@DS718:~# docker stop sickchill
root@DS718:~# docker rm sickchill
root@DS718:~# docker create \
 --restart unless-stopped \
>  --name=sickchill \
>  -e PUID=1024 \
>  -e PGID=100 \
>  -e TZ=America/New_York \
>  -p 8081:8081 \
>  -v /volume1/docker/sickchill/config:/config \
>  -v /volume1/nzbGetDownloads:/downloads \
>  -v '/volume1/video/TV Shows':/tv \
>  --restart unless-stopped \
>  linuxserver/sickchill
root@DS718:~# docker start sickchill

and there was no change in what I am seeing in the gui – same “newer version available”; same commit.

FYI, I have “pruned” the images and there is only a single sickchill image on my system.

Dude, I just told you twice, and showed the message sickchill produces.

If you've never used the SickChill upgrade system before then current version is not set.

The version is only set if you use the in gui updater. Your version is set because you used it before. Don’t use it, ignore the version, it’s not showing the real version, it’s just displaying artificial information that their updater script writes somewhere in your config folder.

OK – what do I do differently at this point?

Nothing. Ignore the version/update related messages. They are not showing the real version.

Ok, Got it now. One of my issues in this response chain is that I was responding before I saw your latest response.

Thanks for your patience.

No problem. I’ll let the maintainer know to contact the upstream devs to see if we can write the version (wherever it is stored) during build so the gui messages are not misleading

That would certainly be ideal!