Smokeping - 100% paket loss with &

I’ve been running the Smokeping container for a few days now and I noticed that I have a continuous packet loss of 100% to the preset destinations and I can reach their websites but I also have the same problem pinging these destinations from another machine.
Could it be that these destinations are ignoring ICMP packets by now or could this be due to my ISP. I have no other problems pinging other destinations.

many places ignore icmp. side note, you’ve posted in container support and noted that you cant ping it from another machine which indicates this is not a container issue.

I posted it here because these targets are included by default and if they really ignore ICMP then I am wondering what’s the reason to included them.

It would be best to ask the people that make smokeping and provide the default. We simply package it in a container. We support the container, not the application within.

As far as I can see Smokeping doesn’t include these or any of the targets that are included in the container image in their default configuration when you download it from the officially site. They have been added to the configuration of this container. There is also a history of the targets file in the smokeping linuxserver repository wich indicates that some targets have been fixed or added before: docker-smokeping/root/defaults/smoke-conf/Targets at master · linuxserver/docker-smokeping · GitHub

I stand corrected, thank you for pointing it out, I’ll look into it

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PR has been submitted to correct any confusion
add note about pre-existing config by drizuid · Pull Request #168 · linuxserver/docker-smokeping (

thanks for bringing this to our attention

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