Over the last 10 months - on and off - I’ve been trying to make the rutorrent container work on my server, alas to no avail. Everything seems to be configured correctly, it runs, yet whatever magnet link I add to it, it is forever stuck at 0% and it does not even pass the stage when it acquires a proper name, instead being stuck with random letters/digits.
I reinstalled the container multiple times, and always arrive to the same point.
Ah my bad, i dont pay attention to a lot of the newish linux distros. I barely pay attention to debian and that’s what we build against
I’m not sure then, you could pop into our discord and see if anyone can help you out, but we build and test against debian/ubuntu/alpine. I do know that nfw, ufw, firewalld, <insert anything that isn’t pure iptables> causes a ton of issues because nat rules are required for docker to function.
I think the problem might be because the docker container does not seem to have connection to the internet (, or even my LAN (192.168…). I cannot ping anything outside of
Should it be pinging?
Well, I read on it and it looks like by docker default (bridge mode), docker containers do not have access to internet. Only host mode provides that.
So the question is not why mine is not working, but why anyone has rutorrent container working with the default setup.
Is there some missing step in configuration that changes the network mode of the container to Host mode?