Starting webtop:debian-xfce always takes a few seconds waiting after [migrations] no migrations found


after updating to the latest version of the webtop container I noticed that I now always have a short waiting time in the log after printing “no migrations found”:

$ docker-compose logs -f -t
Attaching to webtop
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:31.643933461Z [mod-init] Attempting to run Docker Modification Logic
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:31.870050974Z [mod-init] Adding linuxserver/mods:universal-cron to container
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:33.074637535Z [mod-init] Downloading linuxserver/mods:universal-cron from
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:33.625154870Z [mod-init] Installing linuxserver/mods:universal-cron
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:33.654568021Z [mod-init] linuxserver/mods:universal-cron applied to container
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:33.884433786Z [migrations] started
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:33.884648061Z [migrations] no migrations found
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.163276154Z ───────────────────────────────────────
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.163991395Z 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164150457Z       ██╗     ███████╗██╗ ██████╗ 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164229424Z       ██║     ██╔════╝██║██╔═══██╗
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164296425Z       ██║     ███████╗██║██║   ██║
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164365012Z       ██║     ╚════██║██║██║   ██║
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164421029Z       ███████╗███████║██║╚██████╔╝
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164489726Z       ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝ 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164557052Z 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164628087Z    Brought to you by
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164732489Z ───────────────────────────────────────
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164839154Z 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.164915233Z To support LSIO projects visit:
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.165099326Z
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.165245021Z 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.165367365Z ───────────────────────────────────────
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.165499774Z GID/UID
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.165605720Z ───────────────────────────────────────
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.169656066Z 
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.169935235Z User UID:    1026
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.170122817Z User GID:    100
webtop    | 2023-07-28T14:01:56.170283666Z ───────────────────────────────────────

I have initially noticed this in the Ubuntu variant, but have also switched to the Debian base going forward.

But the question remains: how can I debug what causes this delay?

PS: this forum needs a “webtop” tag