Hi all,
I have a strange issue, I recently restarted all my devices and they were powered down for a few hours while I cleaned etc. My setup is a Raspberry PI with Pihole, a 2nd PI with Docker running SWAG and other containers, and a NAS with media and some Docker Apps. These are connected via a Swarm with the PI with PiHole as the manager and the other 2 as workers. This way they can see each other in the same network.
I booted everything up and it seemed OK, but I quickly noticed that when I go to my domain, hosted in swag from inside my network it times out. Using an external connection works fine.
If I enable cloudflare proxy I can then access the sites fine from my LAN, but I don’t want to do this for all the dns entries as some don’t like cloudflare.
The IP never changed, external or internal, I just can’t figure out why I can’t access my docker images using a fqdn anymore from the Lan but can from a wan connection.
nslookup, curl and tracert don’t show any issues. they all show the correct IP.
I quickly spun up a NGINX container and pointed the ports to that and hit it, it was slow but did load.
Edit: I just added a noip based url to the SWAG server and spun up a new server config file and it took 12 seconds to respond but it did respond, the original site still hasn’t loaded.
Does anyone have any ideas on what it could be and how to fix it?