Transmission on WSL

Hi all,
I’m attempting to get a Transmission container to work on my Windows host with WSL.
The container starts successfully and the web interface is accessible. I’ve also forwarded the PEERPORT on my router manually since I’ve already figured out uPNP doesn’t work from within Docker.

The problem is that UDP traffic to trackers doesn’t seem to work properly, meaning torrents don’t actually download. I suspect this has to do with home WSL proxies traffic into the Linux layer but I’m not sure.

The errors are:
“Announce error: Connection failed”
“Scrape error: Could not connect to tracker”

Any leads would be very helpful.

Here is the relevant part of my docker-compose.yml:

    container_name: transmission
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "9091:9091"
      - "E:/config:/config"
      - "G:/:/downloads"
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=${TZ}
      - USER=${USER}
      - PASS=${PASSWORD}

We do not support windows; however, what we do know is that if you use WSL paths rather than windows paths, it tends to work better. Also note we do not support docker desktop, in case you’re using that.
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