Unable to watch movies at the same time with running qBittorrent w/Docker on Libreelec 10.0.3 Raspberry Pi 4

Raspberry Pi 4 4GB + HDD 1TB 2,5" by USB 3
Libreelec 10.0.3
qBittorrent w/Docker v4.5.0

qBittorrent and Libreelec themselves work very well, but with active torrents, the video player starts to slow down.
Previously, when there was Libreelec 9 and qBittorrent as an add-on from Thoradia, this did not happen.
I tried to change the settings of qBittorrent, but I did not achieve a positive result.
Thanks in advance for any ideas how to solve the hdd split problem.

This is going to be a resource/bandwidth issue, Likely just a limitation of the hardware.