in the SWAG dashboard, I figured out, that there is the subdomain _mta-sts.<my_domain> I do not configured.
I have not configured this subdomain!
What is it needed for, and can I deactivate it?
in the SWAG dashboard, I figured out, that there is the subdomain _mta-sts.<my_domain> I do not configured.
I have not configured this subdomain!
What is it needed for, and can I deactivate it?
Browse to it and see what’s there. We don’t automatically configure any subdomains unless the user configures it.
A quick google seems like it’s related to a mailserver setup.
If I enter _mta-sts.<my_domain> in the browser, I get to the following page:
Yep so there isn’t any service behind it, just I suspect something you’ve configured put this up.
In the meantime I have investigated the issue a bit deeper. I have come to the conclusion that my settings are correct and that the subdomain _mta-sts.<my_domain> is not a relic of a previous configuration. In the Browser section of the SWAG Dashboard, I can see that crawlers and others (browsers) have also visited my domain, see picture below.
I suspect that one of them has tried to access the subdomain _mta-sts.<my_domain>. For example, if I call hello.<my_domain>.com, I also get to the following page:
Then hello.<my_domain>.com is listed in the SWAG Dashboard.
Is it possible to configure SWAG so that only the configured subdomains are forwarded and all unknown ones are not answered and the message from the SWAG server (see picture above) will not be shown?
I assume in cloudflare, you’ve got a wildcard cname DNS entry? Easiest this to do is either not do that and manually set your DNS entries each time you setup a service.
Or in your default.conf, edit the server_name from _ to domain.com