Zotero kasmvnc client

Hi community!

Zotero has proven to be an invaluable tool for students worldwide, but one notable challenge remains – the absence of an official Docker image for the Zotero Client. Regrettably, attempts to engage the Zotero project in creating and maintaining such an image have been met with minimal response.

The Zotero Client is widely used by students for its efficiency in managing research documents, but its dependence on local storage limits its accessibility. Imagine the positive impact if we could run the Zotero Client directly in the browser, enabling users to access their research material seamlessly.

I’m aware of a commendable effort by a Chinese student who developed a server forking of a fork from Zotero. While this is a step in the right direction, it lacks the robust standardization we’ve come to appreciate from projects like LSIO.

Motivated by the need to liberate my research material from Windows, I’m contemplating the creation of an initial version for my personal use. However, before embarking on this endeavor, I wanted to gauge the interest and support from the LSIO project maintainers.

Your endorsement and collaboration on this initiative could propel Zotero into a new era of accessibility and usability. By bringing the Zotero Client to the browser through a Docker image, we could revolutionize the way students and researchers engage with this indispensable tool.

I’m eager to discuss this proposal further and explore the possibilities together. Your support would not only make a significant impact on the Zotero community but also contribute to the advancement of academic research on a global scale.


Zotero client just create a folder with sqlite and keep organized the structure when working in a paper:


A few week ago Zotero open as a beta the Zotero 7 with lots os changes:

I make a working image based on blender and works like a charm, please if the project want to publish, let me know or I will publish in my hub docker (I prefer keep here!)

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-kasmvnc:ubuntujammy

# set version label

# app title

# https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-deb/blob/master/apt.py#L56
  echo "**** install packages ****" && \
  apt-get update && \
  add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa && \
  apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
    bzip2 lsb-release gcc firefox-esr && \
  echo "**** install zotero ****" && \
  mkdir /zotero && \
  curl -o \
    /tmp/zotero.tar.bz2 -L \
    "https://download.zotero.org/client/${ZOTERO_BUILD}/${ZOTERO_VERSION}/Zotero-${ZOTERO_VERSION}_linux-x86_64.tar.bz2" && \
  tar xf \
    /tmp/zotero.tar.bz2 -C \
    /zotero/ --strip-components=1 && \
  /zotero/set_launcher_icon && \
  ln -s \
    /zotero/zotero \
    /usr/bin/zotero && \
  echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
  rm -rf \
    /tmp/* \
    /var/lib/apt/lists/* \

# add local files
COPY /root /

# ports and volumes

VOLUME /config


DRI_PRIME=1 zotero


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<openbox_menu xmlns="http://openbox.org/3.4/menu">
<menu id="root-menu" label="MENU">
<item label="Zotero"><action name="Execute"><command>/usr/bin/zotero</command></action></item>
<item label="xterm" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/xterm-color_48x48.xpm"><action name="Execute"><command>/usr/bin/xterm</command></action></item>
<item label="Reload OB"><action name="Reconfigure"/></item>

To build:

docker build --build-arg ZOTERO_BUILD=release --build-arg ZOTERO_VERSION='6.0.30' .

docker build --build-arg ZOTERO_BUILD=beta --build-arg ZOTERO_VERSION='7.0.0-beta.56%2B9edfcba9a' .

The /root is standard, the only change was the icon that I copy after build the image what I need to fix to find the ico inside the tar ball.

The concept: Docker

Can you test the image
When you get a chance?

Sure, give me 2 days, now I have less than 48hs to post a paper before the final cut date.

Works like a charm, I liked the chromium extra!

With the build I got the same bugs in UI but is more related to software which is not a problem of UX but I will list here for another users:

  • In preferences open the data location will open the file selection in back, just move and select the folder with zotero data:

  • Some places the box get rectangle over, ignore, this is fixed in zotero 7 and is a old gui problem.
  • Mostly errors using webdav is because slow response in network, ignore until you network stay stable, zotero is very sensitive with this.
  • Zotero works well with nextcloud/seafile webdav, use it and you will get zotero all features without limitation!

Any chance to provide the version 7 too as a beta channel? Almost every plugin is working on the new version and I migrated everything to this release.

Personal note; After become a repository I need to change to not update the app automatic:

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