Include sliding-sync-proxy with synpase/matrix container

More modern Matrix clients require “sliding-sync” support to work, but they are super fast, e.g. Element X.

Synapse currently does not seem to provide sliding sync on its own, but it can be augmented with sliding-sync-proxy.

Is there a chance that the LSIO Synapse/Matrix container gets augmented with sliding-sync-proxy?

this sounds like something a mod would be suited for

@driz I have just randomly started receiving updates from this forum to my e-mail, but I have not used the forum in over 2 years.

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This thread is only 8 days old, you would’ve had to subscribe to it or something… perhaps you received an email regarding something you participated in that someone necro’d (which shouldn’t be this particular thread)

disregard this is due to an update and we are working on it, thank you for letting us know!

@shunkica I’m seeing the same thing. This is a thread I’ve never interacted with and I’m getting notifications for it. Maybe some global notification change was made on this discourse?

Apologies to all that got this. We migrated the forum to a new host and during the backup/restore process it seems that the mailing list option got enabled. We have now disabled this so you should no longer get unwanted emails.


Same here, started about two hours ago.

EDIT: Great, thanks @j0nnymoe !

Ditto. I’ve posted to one diskover thread ever, now receiving e-mails from this thread.


I’ve got nothing posted here to reply to and no mentions of me.

Something in discourse isn’t working right.

Sorry for the inconvenience all! This should be resolved now.

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Element X now available, is sliding sync ready to go?