Linuxserver/mariadb does not work under armhf

Hi There,

i struggle with setting up mariadb on an odroid (armhf) device.

Following this Video at Youtube: Nextcloud, your personal cloud server, on Openmediavault

I installed linuxserver/mariadb
but that didn’t work :frowning:

The “solution” which is pointed to everywhere is to remove linuxserver/mariadb
and to install lsioarmhf/mariadb instead.
Even here at the forum there is a thread pointing to this solution.

But the Problem to this is, that lsioarmhf/mariadb is allready outdated.
and at h t t p s : / / h it is said :

At the page of linuxserver/mariadb it is stated that:

The architectures supported by this image are:
Architecture Tag
x86-64 amd64-latest
arm64 arm64v8-latest
armhf arm32v7-latest

But it does not work. I tried to “make it work” with only a small knowledge of docker and mariadb.
Is there a chance that somebody can point me to the correct steps to set this docker container up ?
(Perhaps the Youtube vid is just wrong ??)

Or is someone able to just to merge the two Containers.
e.g. “take the armhf stuff that makes this container work” from the “lsioarmhf/mariadb”-container
and “put it” in the “linuxserver/mariadb:armhf”-container to make it work.
Both are maintained by : sparklyballs

If someone is interrest in what i did to make the linuxserver/mariadb work in read on:

First Problem was (following the video) was that there was no “/sharedfolders/AppData/Nextclouddb/custom.cnf”
to edit.
So i went back to the OMV Docker webGUI , stopped the Container, and choose “modify”
For some reason the “Volumes and Bind mounts” were changed to some other values and were marked “readonly”
I redid the “Volume and Bind mounts” and had to uncheck the “readonly”-Box.

Then i had to “chmod 0755 /” otherwise Mariadb wouldn’t start.
And i had to “chmod 0774 /sharedfolders/AppData/Nextclouddb/custom.cnf” otherwise it wouldn’t be used"

But now i got Stuck after “docker exec -it Nextclouddb bash” at

root@f602433d17ce:/# mysql -uroot bash -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES)

even with no pass didn’t worked.

root@f602433d17ce:/# mysql -uroot bash
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@‘localhost’ (using password: NO)

I don’t know what “solution” you’re referring to, but that is not true.

lsioarmhf repo was entirely deprecated a long time ago as we now publish multi-arch images all in the linuxserver repos.

It sounds like you mounted the config folder in read only mode. You shouldn’t have. Config folder contains all settings and data for this app and the container must be able to write to it.

Read the description on docker hub or the github readme. It contains all the info you need to make this work. If you do follow a youtube video, you better follow it exactly.

If you create the container correctly, you shouldn’t need to fix permissions as it is done automatically.

I suggest you remove the container and delete the config folder and start over fresh. Keep in mind that the password is only set via environment variable during initial setup. If you try to change that environment variable later on, it will have no effect. So you should delete your existing data and start over fresh.

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Hello aptalca,
Thank you for your Reply.

I don’t know what “solution” you’re referring to, but that is not true.

Sorry for not beeing clear:
I refer to the Video-comments people having the same problems and to the Thread here in forum Linuxserver/mariadb - empty nextclouddb folder
Also it was likewise posted on the openmediavault forum.

Seems that all this comes from times when linuxserver/mariadb was without armhf support.

It sounds like you mounted the config folder in read only mode. You shouldn’t have.
Config folder contains all settings and data for this app and the container must
be able to write to it.

That was not exactly what happend. I set up the Container with this specs (look at 1 in the Screenshot) :

But when the container was started no files showed up in the “Host path” :frowning:

When checking the specs via the “Modify” option in Openmediavault docker webgui i found (look at 2 in the Screenshot above).

So i thought that this behavior was some kind “error management” of mariadb.

What helped me a bit with solving the issue was this:

If you create the container correctly, you shouldn’t need to fix permissions as it is done automatically.

The need to fix permissions stuck on my mind and I checked the permissions of the desired “Host path”

They were set to: drwxr-sr-x

After a some testing i figured out that i had to

chmod 0770 “Host Path”

This did the trick partly. For some reason i had a strange behavior:

After starting a new setup container with fixed permissions on “Host path” at the first try i got the “Host path” - trouble (look at 2 in the Screenshot above) again :frowning:

Anyhow, i just did “Modify” the container. To set the exactly same “Host path” again and saved.

Bingo ! Now at the second start everything is fine and running !

It seems you’re hitting an OMV issue where it is not saving your mount point correctly. In your #2 screenshot, it shows /config as the host path and blank for the container path. That’s an issue